Define/Redefine styles


is possible, using script code (method) define/redefine object/paragraph style based on selected object/paragraph 1 can in ui click?



easy peasy.


this 1 way of doing


go through jongware's object reference , go through properties of paragraph style , continue list started.  should take hour or so.


do same object properties, take lot of hours there but work


should more normal way properties it's time me sleep



myselection=app.selection[0] saps=myselection.appliedparagraphstyle neworrefinedstyle="my new or refined style"; // change name please ;-) (app.activedocument.paragraphstyles.item(neworrefinedstyle).isvalid) ? 0 : app.activedocument.paragraphstyles.add ({name: neworrefinedstyle}); (app.activedocument.paragraphstyles.item(neworrefinedstyle)) {     aligntobaseline = saps.aligntobaseline;     allowarbitraryhyphenation = saps.allowarbitraryhyphenation;     appliedfont = saps.appliedfont;     appliedlanguage = saps.appliedlanguage;     // , on , on .............  } 

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