Why does my clone stamp and brush do this??

cs5, updated, win 7 sp1, 64bit. if use clone stamp or brush, , other tools such patch tool, healing brush....but, tend use clone stamp , brush i'm seeing behvior, ....what hapens this: selection, rather being applied put it, goes way off on someplace else on image. so, example, if wanting touch person's lips, , select area want use fix, apply area want fix, selection not go onto area want fix, may end on person's foot, or off in hair someplace. not happen time, rather appears random. it's frustrating. has started happening in last couple of months. ideas causing , how fix it? thanks. -ken

hi kenwae,


the clone stamp not work way (with selection), i'm thinking either you're not accurately describing tool you're using or you're trying use clone stamp improperly (and may have crossed patch tool).  or maybe you're using terminology in misleading way (e.g., choice of clone source isn't same making selection).


can please little more specific, i.e., give step step process describing you're doing?  helpful.



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