Has anyone clicked on the blue "Click here" before installing the Adobe Acrobat Flashplayer11.3 b4

has clicked on blue "click here" before adobe acrobat flashplayer 11.3 finished downloading? if do, flashplayer not install. warning: not curious blue "cick here"s(there 6-8). please take out blue "click here"s, avoid error messages, , re-send adobe flashplayer 11.3 bk me download. thanks.


message edited by: akenyonbus8

first, operating system?


next, mean "b4" - stands "beta 4", , not aware there current beta release available flash player 11.3


also, flash player has nothing acrobat; "adobe flash player".  adobe acrobat different product.


finally, downloading flash player installer?  can post screenshot of blue button seeing?

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