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Thread: System76 vs ZaReason

hey everyone. not sure if correct forum, if isn't friendly mod please move correct place?

looking @ purchasing new laptop, , after having nightmarish experiences dealing dell, leaning heavily towards either zareason or system76. trying find more information offerings, , moreso sets them apart.

while system76 seems cheaper, can't find information how support works. offer newer, , more powerful hardware. further, don't indicate how friendly tinkering hardware. finally, offer latest version of ubuntu. i'd rather use 10.04 (lts). i'm looking @ pangolin performance model.

zareason appears bit more expensive, maker/tinkerer friendly (they include branded screwdriver open thing!). offer older hardware (slightly). further, googlefu yielded awesome stories how cool tech support is. finally, let have pick of os.

i'm interested in experiences users of machines both manufacturers. packaging like? driver/module disks included? there proprietary things done made go "wow, that's cool!"? there frills dealing either company think sets them apart? don't mind paying touch if money goes people offer awesome product they're willing stand behind, despite me tinkering.

just bump, hoping feedback.

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