Why haven't "licensing" issues been addressed?

ever since installing (and uninstalling, , re-installing several times) creative cloud, cannot readily open or read old pdfs--first message there's licensing problem, goes away when go adobe manager , sign in online (obviously doesn't work @ when i'm offline!) , error message saying restart computer , sign in again (which enormous pain because have lot of different programs running). works , doesn't.   today didn't--i wasting way time trying work, giving me little time leftover work! adobe seems nonexistent.


i have similar problems photoshop.  there tells me every time trial subscription has ended (i paid year 2 months ago).

i on verge of saying forget nonsense! 

hi dputnam,


adobe released updated version of adobe application manager should resolve issue products reverting trial mode. if continue have problems pdf's either contact our technical support department or post issue on our acrobat forum assistance.



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