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Thread: Trick to make Ubuntu act as an "External Hard Drive"?

i have security system/dvr usb port i'm trying copy files directly storage on ubuntu. there programs or known ubuntu tweaks let me plug male/male usb cord dvr ubuntu, desired goal of having dvr detect "storage device" ubuntu , allowed write data it?

wanted main question out of way before many helpful folks' add kicks in lol take deeper down rabbit hole , see why have such odd requirement (where perhaps there better way need), read on..

while super cheap dvr/camera package bought "bang buck" efficient in every area, it's prone physical theft , lacks ftp feature. e.g., if detects motion , starts recording, astute thief may think it's idea take dvr box him on way out.

"back up" feature support writing data external usb hard drive. within dvr can schedule copy data external drive following "event", doesn't because device prone physical theft. brainstorming on how secure data started thinking if possible run cable dvr directly ubuntu copy data following event, , once it's on ubuntu should able find or cobble in bash listen new data , ftp remote site.

i'm not paranoid strive ultimate satisfaction , won't happy until figure out! thoughts or suggestions?

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Trick to make Ubuntu act as an "External Hard Drive"?

