checkbox code



i have been getting hang of doing basic coding textboxes, checkboxes having trouble with,  if me following great..




the main thing automatically checking 1 of 2 checkboxes in #3 below.., based on couple factors..


first question determine user defining visitation plan for, them or other party..

1. visitation plan <checkbox> or  other party <checkbox>


second question determine they or "you" above was, either petitioner or respondent.


2. petitioner or respondent?  petitioner <checkbox> or  respondent <checkbox>


next check box needs checked..


3. visitation plan petitioner <checkbox> or respondent <checkbox>


petitioner in #3 checked if, checked in #1, , petitioner checked in #2

respondent #3 checked if, checked in #1, , respondent checked in #2



petitioner in #3 checked if, other party checked in #1, , respondent checked in #2

respondent in #3 checked if, other party checked in #1, , petitioner checked in #2

hello, isn't there way javascript to, upon mouse up, check see if box checked or not, , based on result, check different checkbox within checkbox?



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