i creating edd , have issues way framemaker breaks each element instead of leaving inline. wouldn't problem if allowed format children instead of elements; fix problems having.
short question is, there way tell framemaker open unformatted elements inline instead of blocks?
for instance, have acronym elements within text wrap definition , wrap term. when formatting it, must show text , acronym after parentheses around it. able make happen using run-ins, acronym element no longer part of para. broken down own paragraph.
example: <para>reference made <acronym><def>air force</def><term>af</term></acronym> serial number.</para>
should this:
reference made air force (af) serial number.
but instead looks this:
reference made the
air force (af) serial number.
because can't edit edd have para element acronym within format run-in.
i'm having trouble understanding asking for. simple edd rule make element render in-line. there not need other formatting specified. here rough paste of edd setup:
text format rules
in contexts.
text range.
are saying can't edit edd because not allowed, or don't know how? if cannot edit edd, can't in-line formating desire, because that's rules are. so, adjustment of edd option.
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