Script that adds objects every 2ft.



so need make script adds object every 2 feet around perimeter of page.

i have no idea how start. if point me in right direction, or show me example of similar being done, awesome!

this have far:



if (x2 >= 96 || y2 >= 96) { /* if x or y longer 8 feet (96 inches) */         var x = x2/24;     while (x > 36 && x < 24) { /* objects need added every 2 3 feet */         x /= 24;     }      var y = y2/24;     while (y > 36 && y < 24) { /* objects need added every 2 3 feet */         y /= 24;     } } 


what i've been thinking (and have) fixed amount between 2 3 feet. divide total x or total y fixed amount, , tells me how many objects i'll need add.

i feel i'm heading on right track, making elements seems challenging part. have function makes element need, , function formatted this: addcircle(page, top, left, bottom, right);


any appreciated! thanks.




i have come solution! (somewhat)

so far 1 side, works:



var x = x2/24; while (x > 36 && x < 24) {     x /= 24; } x = math.round(x); var stride = (x2/x);          (var = 0; <= x; i++) {     if (i == 0) {         addcircle (mypage, 0.25, stride*i + 0.25, 0.5, stride*i + 0.5);     } else if (i == x) {         addcircle (mypage, 0.25, stride*i - 0.25, 0.5, stride*i);     } else {         addcircle (mypage, 0.25, stride*i, 0.5, stride*i + 0.25);     } }  

it seems on right track, i'm curious sort of person.


how big these 'pages' when going have more single object on each side, spaced apart 61cm!?

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