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Thread: Confirmation of steps

hiya, ubuntuers ^^
---------- intro
i've been hearing lot linux distros being best oss around , i've decided give ubuntu try. if don't it, can rid of anyway (or think anyway... correct me if i'm wrong please xd).

i've been googling, reading ubuntu guides, reading blogs, tutorials, asking friends, etc etc i've got hang of sheer basics, not much. in thread, i'd sum believe correct steps system set way want be. being rather comfortable , experienced using laptop in shady ways, i'm more picky average person happens on every level of computer , last thing not knowing doing when it's doing something. thus, i'd go on believe desired setup , i'd ask have pointed out me if @ point i'm missing something, have watch out something, etc.

reason i'm asking here anyway, despite having read , having experienced of these things "just work out" when start them, prefer being sure 100% before try doing potentially dangerous (i've burnt desktop iso , booted ubuntu of course, that's safe stuff). it's due fact of info written bloggers (whom may right, wouldn't count them reliable) or came official guides, @ points made me go crazy. big chunk of info found potentially outdated, have misinterpreted of it, etc. there's many things go wrong easily, making me feel insecure if can't confirmation of basic info experience. :/ of these question might covered somewhere, either info shady me or don't feel comfortable blindly assuming true without background info , specifics. so, sorry if that's case, ask if have reason ask, don't worry

, oh yes, stuff between round brackets semi-off-topic remarks, ignore if don't want personal yapping in posts

---------- the real deal
current setup win7 32bit on plain laptop no special hardware i'm aware of, common average stuff 4 (although programs 3) gb ram, 2ghz processor, nvidia gpu , that's it. harddrive divided following way:
c: primary, holds win7 , program files
d: logical, holds big stuff doesn't fit category "system"
g: logical, games, steam , firefox (like said, i'm picky when comes stuff , g partition changing files, can defrag more control , efficiency)
l , s: both logical, l hold ubuntu , s swap file (respectively 6gb , 2gb)
unmounted0 , inmounted1: both primary, created win7 recovery purposes , stuff, unmounted

i'd is
1) keep win7 , rest right now, absolutely no changes in existance
2) install ubuntu onto 6gb l partition (i believe linux label sda7) swap on 2gb s partition (probably labeled sda8 then)
3) have them dualboot nicely through grub without them tearing each other apart
4) able access each partition/usb stick/sd card through both oss (i use sd card hold music play, consider fixed disk ). aware though windows cannot read linux's ext4 disk format, i'd able access else through either os

---------- the issues
questions (with corresponding numbers):
1a) installing ubuntu, changed in current system, other bootloader being replaced grub , partitions specify during ubuntu setup getting formatted ext4 fit linux onto them?
2a) l , s formatted standard ntfs. when start ubuntu installation, able plainly select them , tell setup format both ext4, install ubuntu on l (sda7 probably) , put swap on s (sda8 then)?
3a) plainly work , have old win7 (yes, i'm big fan of win7 despite knowing crappy company ms is, dito related it. , hate them screwing rareware, used-to-be best games developers sure hope don't go retro studios next) listed in it, along newly installed ubuntu? there known bug or occurring situation win7 not recognised , mbr needs fixing , whatnot?
4a) yes, how that? windows can't access ext4, ok, can linux/ubuntu access ntfs , fat32? better formulated: windows -> ext* couple doesn't match?

aside that, i've got general issues believe can fix myself, such confusion in mind mounting partitions , having them appear dev/sdax while they're in /media... if can't fix those, i'll ask properly, ignore ^^

i'm sorry if come across i've been living here forever or something, if spend entire day talking sorts of people around globe , reading forum topic after forum topic sorts of stuff economy , war funpics , surveys, tend tired of silly introductories , being overly humble. being polite of course , polite, being "humble" not part of being polite imo if writings don't sound it, appreciate people offer, regularly have myself , know pain can sometimes.

either way, can give me confirmation steps above correct ones, can answer questions regarding setup , can point out roadblocks might hit along way ^^. also, sorry wall-o-text necessary evil

i got pm jerrys, got error when trying send reply... supposedly he's set not receive pms or he's been punished

jerrys, if you're reading: offer making telephone call pretty costly , silly free alternatives skype , steam around...

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