GetDSN from other method



can 1 tell me how call dsn other method within same cfc.

this getdsn method return me correct dsn declared application.cfm.


<cffunction name="getdsn" access="public"  output="false"    hint="gets dsn">

<cfargument name="dsn" required="yes">

    <cfreturn />



how can dsn above method.  have not working..........

<cffunction name="finddupicate" output="no" access="public" returntype="query">

        <cfargument name="form" required="yes" type="struct">   

        <cfquery name="check_duplicate" datasource="#getdsn#">

        select voucherno


        voucherno= <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.form.voucher#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" />



    <cfreturn check_duplicate>




two things spring mind.


getdsn() misnamed, or wrong thing.  doesn't return dsn, returns entire object (return this).


i cfquery tag you're not calling getdsn(), you're using value, eg: "getdsn" reference method itself, "getdsn()" calling method.


oh third thing: called getdsn() not take argument thing supposedly getting.  ie: why getdsn() taking argument of dsn?  should returning dsn name, not having passed it.




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