Blank front end with no new additions - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i'm sure should put in thread, please advice me on this.

i have 2.5.6 installation, it's been working great, added several mods, , components working steller, while making css edits fit needs of site, of sudden front page blank page. no content.. head/body both empty.

the administrator pages work fine, , can access on end.
it apache on linux, , seems upto date.. 2 other joomla sites on server run great!.. (kuz guys rock!!)

- tried
-- changing php 5.2 5.3
-- checking permissions
-- ran fpa , seemed ok.

checked logs , noticed afternoon there wierd error.
[thu aug 09 12:27:51 2012] [error] [client] file not exist: /home/users/ntufte/www/, referer:

what /js ???

although isn't first joomla build. wouldn't i'm expert. have tried go through can. downloading site @ moment see happened.

any suggestions?
thanks, digi.. aka.. nate

found it!

permissions somehow set oddly includes. not sure why caused /js after fixing them proper site ran smooth joomla should!

kudos great work team!
