CP6 and variables

hi all,


i'm trying figure out way make of themes in cp6. have been using templates re-brand our courseware various clients. master slides have captions course title, etc., change when start course. 


now can use themes rebrand our couseware, master slides overwrite in courseware, , consequently overwrite captions.  i'm wondering if there's way use variables update these captions in master slides.


i haven't used variables before - matter of limited time learn, willing.


can point me solutions?







i not understand mean 'to use variables update these captions...'? themes layout, styles, not content.


you need custom theme, in have customized master slides, object styles (for captions) , toc (at least if use it). personal work flow not on theme, create template (that can have content contrary theme) theme default theme. reason insert variables (like cpinfoauthor, cpinfoprojectname...) , have reusable advanced actions. , moreover, since have lot localize, can localize lot (like quiz button labels...). of course possible add placeholders, not first reason.


a not known new feature fact can save file template now.



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