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Thread: Ubuntu installer for Windows

hi, noticed ubuntu has installer windows can dual boot windows/ubuntu without having install ubuntu first. bought new laptop today wanted give try. before do, wanted ask if knows if there way remove ubuntu if ever needed to. reason ask because laptops brand new incase find wrong , need return or else...
thoughts on (in manual process) partition hd can erase partition if need be. installer says can install c drive , allow space. thats why don't think same answer.
insight on appreciated. in advance!

yeah, wubi installer install ubuntu other software in windows, , can removed same. ask os want use when start machine. though, wouldn't use wubi install long term use, or keep important on it. it's there can try out ubuntu , uninstall if don't it.

can partition drive , real install, that's bit more difficult put 'stock' if need rid of it. i'd wubi deal first off, see it's about, , once more comfortable might want put on there real.

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