Fatal Error: trying to allocate 8GB of extra memory!?! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all,

i getting fatal error of memory allocation. seems lot of people had problem , solved upping memory allocation. have 128mb of memory allocated , seems 8gb trying allocated on top of that, weird!

it working fine, did add new menu item , clear trashed memory items , error when go modules setting page or menu items settings page. error message below. error message different depending on page access.

anybody got ideas? on great cannot update modules or menus.

modules error message:
fatal error: allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried allocate 8589934591 bytes) in /var/www/vhosts/xxxx/subdomains/ladies/httpdocs/administrator/components/com_menus/helpers/menus.php on line 184

menu items error message:
parent item fatal error: allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried allocate 8589934591 bytes) in /var/www/vhosts/xxxx/subdomains/ladies/httpdocs/administrator/components/com_menus/models/fields/menuparent.php on line 75

this result of infinite method consumes memory until crashes or reaches limit. can see in stack trace of fatal page load third party or custom? how third party plugins installed recently?
